United States


Public Debt: Is the Next Crisis Looming?

Debt sustainability has a lot to do with trust. There are early warning indicators for sovereign debt crises that can indicate an incipient loss of confidence. However, fiscal and monetary …

Episode 101: Germany and the United States in an American Election Year

German Ambassador to the United States Andreas Michaelis joins The Zeitgeist podcast to discuss the state of the German-American relationship, how Germany is working with its key partners in Europe …

Jeff Rathke on the U.S. Presidential Elections and Transatlantic Relations

Ahead of the New Hampshire primary, AGI President Jeff Rathke spoke to Südwest Presse (in German) about what motivates the U.S. electorate, the likelihood of a Trump/Biden rematch, and what …

Remembering Pulse

The Power of Community-Driven Collective Memory Natalie Adams-Menendez: Reflection Days before I turned seventeen, I awoke to news that 49 people had been killed and at least 53 others had …

Trending Now: Queerphobia

Decoding the Role of Trans- and Homophobic Narratives for Right-wing Online Mobilization in the United States and Germany When a group of prominent politicians from the German CSU party convened …

A Snapshot of LGBTQ+ Experiences and Communities in Florida

Orlando, Miami, and Ft. Lauderdale In November 2023, under the auspices of AGI, seven Americans and seven Germans met in Florida to explore the past, present, and future of LGBTQ+ …

Climate Policies in Germany and the United States

Lobbying through Networks? At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28) at the end of November 2023, big questions arose about how the states performed after the Paris Agreement (COP …

Transatlantic Cooperation vs. Tech Nationalism

Values and Standards in the New Systemic Competition It is widely accepted that the ability to set technological standards is a prerequisite for an economy’s success on the world markets; …

Episode 97: LGBTQ+ Spaces, Public Art, and Memory

Public memorials have many functions: honoring victims, acknowledging history, or symbolizing values. After the 2016 mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the site was transformed into an …

Henry Kissinger, America and Germany

More than fifty years after he arrived on the world scene as Richard Nixon’s National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger remained an imposing figure on both sides of the Atlantic. Despite …

Daniel Rasch, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Daniel Rasch as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in October and November 2023. Daniel Rasch is a researcher in public policy and public administration with …

Geoeconomics and A Sustainable Global Order

Transatlantic Policy Perspectives The United States, Germany, and the rest of the European Union face a global economic order that has been profoundly—and likely irreversibly—affected by a confluence of existential …

A Limping Coalition of the Willing

Why is Transatlantic Cooperation on Clean Steel Lagging Behind? The 2020s have arrived as a decade of multiple crises. Beyond their devastating impact, however, these crises have also changed our …

One Year of the IRA

Assessing the Impact on Europe’s Clean Energy Industry A U.S. Climate Action Milestone The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has been hailed by many as the most “important climate action in …