German Foreign Policy


The End of Europe as We Know It?

Germany’s Obligation to Reinforce Europe’s Political-Security Order Just a few days ago in Munich, Western leaders proudly proclaimed their solidarity in the Russia crisis and their resolve to impose massive …

Catherine the Great and the Limits of German Memory Culture

Catherine the Great. Yes, the eighteenth-century Russian Czarina, who was originally German, is back in the news. As reported by Katrin Bennhold in the New York Times, the former chair …

Olaf Scholz in Washington: AGI Expert Analysis in the Media

On February 7, 2022, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made an official visit to Washington, DC. It was his first since succeeding Angela Merkel in December 2021. Multiple major media outlets …

Germany’s Opportunity

Well before Chancellor Scholz was on his way to Washington to meet President Biden on February 7, he knew there would be a lot of uncomfortable questions confronting him. Germany …

Averting War in Ukraine

Germany is Needed Strengthening military deterrence in Europe is the surest way to avert war—or at least to minimize the damage Putin’s armies can do and their prospect for success. …

Kai Oppermann, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Kai Oppermann as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2021. Kai Oppermann is Professor of International Politics at the Chemnitz University of …

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Foreign Policy Legacy?

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s foreign policy legacy? Aylin Matlé Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Angela Merkel’s tenure will be remembered for the style rather than the substance of her chancellorship. Hers was …

Why Americans Should Care About the 2021 German Elections

In about two weeks, 60.4 million Germans will head to the polls to elect the new Bundestag and to determine the incoming chancellor. After sixteen years, Angela Merkel will see …

Nord Stream 2 Deal

Not a Gift to Putin but a Realistic Choice Opposition to the Biden administration’s deal with Germany over the lifting of sanctions related to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project …

Germany Buys Pipeline Peace with Washington at the Price of Owning Russian Misbehavior

The United States and Germany, seeking to lower the temperature in their six-year-old dispute over the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, issued a joint statement on July 21, 2021. The …

Peter Rashish Interviewed on Chancellor Merkel’s Washington, DC, Visit

Ahead of the meeting between the U.S. and German leaders, Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish spoke with  the Italian news site In the interview, “Biden’s Bet on Merkel and …

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Legacy on Engagement with China?

AGI Asks: What legacy does Angela Merkel leave on Germany and Europe’s position toward China? Noah Barkin German Marshall Fund of the United States When assessing Angela Merkel’s foreign policy …