Klaus Günter Deutsch

Federation of German Industries (BDI)

Dr. Klaus Deutsch is Head of Department of Research, Industrial, and Economic Policy at the BDI e.V. (Federation of German Industries).

Previously, he was Senior Economist with Deutsche Bank Research. Dr. Deutsch received his education in political science and economics from the Free University of Berlin (diplomas in 1990 and 1992, doctorate in 1995) and spent a year as a Fulbright exchange student at George Washington University, Washington, DC, in 1988/89.

Recent Content


European External Economic Policy in the Age of Zeitenwende

For the past thirty years, the global economy has operated on the premise of political alignment. The promise of democratization and the rule of law around the world allowed unprecedented …

The Potential Impact of German Elections

As Germany enters a national election year, the decisions made by voters when they reach the polls in November could have major effects not only for Germany, but for Europe …

Saying “Yes” to the euro in Germany: from piano to forte!

At any wedding celebration, the audience usually expects a loud and firm “Yes”. In European politics these days, Germany’s partners expect a loud and firm “Yes” to whatever proposal for …

Doha or Dada

Klaus Deutsch, Deutsche Bank Research, provides an analysis on the Doha Round in the World Trade Organization and what the consequences could be if the world’s major trading partners fail to reach any agreement before the talks will presumably end.

The Awakening of the East: Economic Development in the Eastern Federal States

In this Transatlantic Perspectives essay, Dr. Klaus Deutsch and Sascha Brok use the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall as an opportunity to look at the development of the eastern states, and write that despite a rosy outlook, much work remains to improve economic conditions, especially when it comes to unemployment and overall quality of life.

The EU Services Directive: Nightmare or Opportunity? Implications for Transatlantic Business

Policy Report 25 The EU Services Directive is likely to become Community law by the end of 2006, promising that, by the end of the decade, the EU will have …