Defense Policy


German Military Aid to the Kurdish Peshmerga

The German government’s decision to provide arms and military equipment to aid the Kurdish Regional Government in its fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant provides further …

Germany’s Future Iraq Involvement

Since U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to bomb Sunni extremists in Iraq, German public opinion has debated whether to get involved and if so, why. In its initial reaction to …

The Future Europe

In May 1989, U.S. President George H.W. Bush gave a speech in Mainz, West Germany, inviting—or challenging—Germany to be a “partner in leadership” with the United States. Many Germans greeted …

Maximalist, Stephen Sestanovich

Amid all the heated debates about the role of the United States in the current global morass of crises, the battle lines in America might fall between those who call …

Beyond Sanctions

This essay, by AGI Non-Resident Fellow Dr. Ulrich Speck, appeared originally on Judy Dempsy’s Strategic Europe, a blog from the Carnegie Institute for International Peace. Western sanctions against Russia appear …

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Beyond Sanctions: The Ukraine Crisis as Demonstration of Power and Purpose

This week in Germany was not like last week. This week, both the popular mood as well as the political messages sent signals that Germans have had enough from Vladimir …

Privacy and Power

The Germans are angry. They have been simmering since Edward Snowden’s disclosures last summer revealed the startling extent of American intelligence-gathering and data-collection activities in Europe. Now they are boiling-over. …

The Future Role of NATO: Reinventing the Alliance?

The discussion of the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the current international system is as old as the end of the Cold War–by now nearly 25 …

Germany’s Defensive Defense: Minister von der Leyen’s First Trip to Washington

Germany’s President Joachim Gauck knows his job. He defined it himself, and the President acts through words. They may be uncomfortable words sometimes. Gauck clearly sees his version of the bully …

The Trouble with Drones: A Brief Overview of Problems Surrounding German Drone Usage and Armament.

Drone technology has come to the forefront of defining modern and future warfare, helped in part by its efficiency in ongoing American military campaigns. But compared to the United States, …

Prof. Hellmann Examines the Clash Between Germany and Russia

AGI Non-Resident Fellow Prof. Gunther Hellmann examines the clash between Germany and Russia over the Ukrainian crisis in the framework of Germany’s understanding of itself as a twenty-first century power–Gestaltungsmacht–versus …

Russia’s New Challenge to Europe

As it becomes clear that Russia is forging a new geopolitical landscape in Eastern Europe, Europe and the United States have grappled with the question of their response to this …