Trade & Investment


Challenges for Transatlantic Economic Cooperation in a Trump Administration

Although stock markets have demonstrated an initial positive reaction to the inauguration of President Donald Trump, the new administration’s inward-looking economic policy agenda with the motto “America First” has also …

Does the EU Need a Trade Promotion Authority Mechanism?

Governance of the European Union just became more complicated. On May 16, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued its ruling over which European institutions had “competence” over different provisions …

Blind Spots in Trump’s Trade Tirade Against Germany

Featuring Jack Janes via The New York Times on May 30, 2017.

John Kennedy and Illiberalism

May 29 will mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. Kennedy may be well known not only to Germans, …

President Trump Goes to Europe: Two (Theoretically) Easy and a Tough Question on EU Integration, Trade, and the Euro

All eyes will be on Donald Trump when he attends the international summits of NATO and the G7 at the end of May. On his first trip to Europe he …

Do Free Trade Agreements Have a Future?

After President Trump’s withdrawal from the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) and with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations “in the freezer,” the future of free trade agreements is put …

G20 – Global Trade Governance in Uncertain Times

The G20 is facing its second big litmus test. Almost ten years ago, only decisive action by the G20 prevented the global economy from spiraling into a deep depression. Not …

Europe and the World Need to Be Strategically Patient with Trump

As international delegates begin arriving in Washington, DC, for the first IMF/World Bank semi-annual meetings of the Trump era, among the biggest question facing leaders from around the world is …

Fixing Trade Rules—Or Fixing Trade Deficits?

In international relations, a distinction is often drawn between the “realist” school that bases decision-making on an objective calculation of national interests, and an “idealist” school that emphasizes principles such …

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step: A Chinese Way of Leadership, U.S. and Germany Must Take Note

The highly anticipated first meeting between Donald Trump and China’s president Xi Jinping concluded quietly against the backdrop of U.S. missile strikes in Syria. Despite flawlessly choreographed appearances and mutually-assured …

GE CEO: Germany points the way for a U.S. manufacturing revival

In an April 2 interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN’s “Global Public Square,” GE CEO Jeff Immelt made the case for looking to Germany for clues to reviving manufacturing in hard-hit …

Looking for Insight into the Future of Transatlantic Economic Ties? Watch What Happens to NAFTA.

2016 was a tumultuous year in the political economy of trade. Populists have been on the march nearly everywhere—slowed, perhaps temporarily, by Dutch elections two weeks ago. At times, the …